Cogs in A Rent-Seeking War Machine, Part III?

Betty Lim
43 min readNov 24, 2021


Huge thanks to Sean Carney for creating all the feature images in this mini-series

“Debt is an efficient tool. It ensures access to other peoples’ raw materials and infrastructure on the cheapest possible terms … The IMF cannot seem to understand that investing in … [a] healthy, well-fed, literate population … is the most intelligent economic choice a country can make.” Susan George

“IMF and World Bank are weapons of war.” John Pilger

“The speed of current breakthroughs has no historical precedent. When compared with previous industrial revolutions, the Fourth is evolving at an exponential rather than a linear pace. Moreover, it is disrupting almost every industry in every country. And the breadth and depth of these changes herald the transformation of entire systems of production, management, and governance. The possibilities of billions of people connected by mobile devices, with unprecedented processing power, storage capacity, and access to knowledge, are unlimited.” Klaus Schwab

“The main thrust of the forum is global control. Free markets and individual choice do not stand as the top values, but state interventionism and collectivism. Individual liberty and private property are to disappear from this planet by 2030.” Anthony P. Mueller

“Investors are one cog in the wheel that turns the global economy. You can’t change the world or fix climate change by buying and selling shares and bonds.” Ashley Hamilton Claxton, head of Responsible Investment at Royal London Asset Management

Half a century after the Nixon shock, have legal tender fiat currencies served their purpose of self-organizing us to embrace the centralized Business-as-usual (BAU) system as our way of life? Is that why a few people believe they are ‘gods’ who can systemically control and (ultimately) own us from behind their legal fictions modeled on the original corporate raider?

“The corporation has become a vehicle by which good men and women cause harm to society because of the way the corporation is created and protected by the law.” Joel Bakan

Cryptocracy: “A form of government where the real leaders are hidden, or merely unknown.”

Consider this: To increase the work rate about one hundred years ago, Henry Ford created the factory-scale assembly line model by building atop Frederick Winslow Taylor’s simplistic ‘scientific management theory’ to reduce wages and to pilot Taylor’s vision:

“In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first.”

Are we not systemically addicted to living this BAU social contract?

Circa the 1913 creation of America’s central bank, didn’t Ford succeed with test-proofing how with money, real people would willingly surrender their innate value, energy and means of survival to growing his company? The initial building block was paying sufficiently large sums for a middle class to emerge to buy the products they were making.

More in Part I which also explores how the foundation for the pricing and mechanizing of our lives was laid and Ford’s attempt to create an “energy currency” system based on “units of power.”

“Those who suffer from a power complex find the mechanization of man a simple way to realize their ambitions.” Norbert Wiener

“Exploitation is a simple mathematical equation. If a worker during the time he or she works produces more value for the employer than the employer pays them in wages, that is all exploitation means.” Dr. Richard Wolff

BAU: The root cause of all our problems?

“Actually war becomes perpetual when it is used as a rationale for peace.” Norman Solomon

To have us systemically grow artificial corporate entities with no greater god than growth, fiat currencies embody what we willfully surrender our innate value, energy and means of survival to.

With our individual survival systemically embedded, our self-interests divide and separate us because that artificially scarce legal tender commodity is what we need to pay for basic necessities/status.

To survive, your energy is harnessed as you chase after illusions of fame and fortune but nothing changes. This ‘I win, you lose’ loop keeps us feeding ourselves and each other to the insatiable debt-based system as cogs.

Living this social contract of manufactured scarcity brings out the worst.

Normalized as BAU, the world wars also never really ended as fighting one another distracts most from grasping how with numbers (Key Performance Indicators/KPIs), the system self-organizes us from cradle to grave to augment Taylor’s manifesto of how “the system must be first.”

Legal tender fiat currencies are at least one of two key tools of control the BAU system uses to self-organize you on your vested interests. The other is legal fictions we call corporate entities. As you do your job and jostle to pour yourself into chasing after money/status, your habits subconsciously prime you to fight/distrust anyone you perceive is challenging your livelihood/beliefs/ego:

“The willingness to describe fierce disagreement in terms of the metaphors of war makes the very existence of real wars seems more natural, more inevitable, more a part of the human condition. It also betrays us into an insensibility toward the very idea of war, so that we are less prone to be aware of how totally disgusting real wars really are.” Ian Hacking, The Social Construction of What?

Social constructs addicting you to living a ‘cradle to grave’ social contract include legal tender fiat currencies, nation-states and corporate entities, the latter: a “social invention of the state.” Richard Robbins

Born into such legal water, are you even cognizant that a social construct exists not in objective reality but that we agree it exists through our interaction?

Because once Ford succeeded with having real people willingly exchange what’s theirs for money to survive and to grow his company, we become cogs in the system we depend on. Built by competing self-interests, people come and people go. Names/labels/countries/technologies/ forms/etc. also change but what remains unspoken but intact is “the system must be first.”

The entire system is built on debt and our self-interests.

Vested interests turn us into the Greater fools to feed this insatiable BAU beast. Collectively, this triggers boom and bust cycles orchestrated by self-interested people hidden behind legal fictions like central banks.

Read Part II for extracts of what Richard Werner shared in Why Central Banks AIM For BOOM BUST Cycles.

Aren’t vested interests at the core of why we fight to institutionalize this way of life?

“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Club of Rome

“The synthetic solution to these conflicts can’t be introduced unless those being manipulated take a side that will advance the pre-determined agenda.” Georg Wihelm Friedrich Hegel

In the works for centuries, manufacturing scarcity through fear likely gained systemic momentum once ‘Corporations are (seen as) people’ — “an ingenious device for obtaining profit without individual responsibility.” (The Devil’s Dictionary, 1911)

Click to explore Did a 19th century lie become Business-as-usual?

“We live in a society that demands addiction. The person who is best adjusted to this society is not dead and not alive because if you were fully alive, you couldn’t support the system.” Anne Wilson Schaef

Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping companies and how innovation management is organized.

In September 2018 and June 2019, MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY LICENSING, LLC filed two patents for a cryptocurrency system using body activity data — is that the groundwork to resurrect Ford’s “energy currency” system?

With the exponential interest in our DNA (aka the blueprint of life), the fast-emerging field of longevity, synthetic biology, transhumanism, the Global Brain, Piezoelectricity and the elites’ quest for immortality, where will the world’s most dangerous idea shove us cogs into?

“The sciences do not try to explain, they hardly even try to interpret, they mainly make models. By a model is meant a mathematical construct which, with the addition of certain verbal interpretations, describes observed phenomena. The justification of such a mathematical construct is solely and precisely that it is expected to work — that is correctly to describe phenomena from a reasonably wide area. Furthermore, it must satisfy certain esthetical criteria — that is, in relation to how much it describes, it must be rather simple.” John von Neumann

This closing piece in a 3-part mini-series explores how in a world already legally more tailored for legal fictions than real people, our life of transactions keeps us feeding ourselves and each other to the insatiable BAU beast.

As the form of control shifts from the world’s dumbest idea (with fiat currencies dictated by KPIs) to the world’s most dangerous (with our data controlled by AI), let’s explore how cogs are self-organized not to address the root causes for the mess our world. Is that so we will eventually be fully owned by mortal ‘gods’ in their quest for immortality?

Excerpts from Social Movements Powering the Future of Money:

“To recap, the three BAU revolutions (image updated)

Mathematician and data scientist Cathy O’Neil calls algorithms “weapons of math destruction.” In Italy, IKEA workers were fired because their lives could not fit into the rigid algorithm that governs the workforce:

“The capitalism of digital platforms makes labor discipline more rigid, as it imposes seemingly “scientific” measurements and evaluations, which can resemble the old industrial manufacturing … This new Taylorism has all the disadvantages and none of the old benefits. The workers are caught within a contradiction in terms: subordinate and precarious at the same time.” Antonio Casilli

Algorithms also run the data-driven Internet. As we unwittingly create an abundance of data, voluntarily sharing photos and all aspects of our lives online, these rule-based processes for solving mathematical problems are increasingly also applied to our lives. Everything we do is tracked and now controlled by ‘walled gardens’ like Google, Amazon, Facebook or their China peers (e.g. Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent). See Kleiner Perkins’ Top 20 global Internet leaders today, page 218.

The digital trail we leave reveals our whereabouts, habits and everything else about us. Our behavioral patterns even teach their ubiquitous algorithms to code and make decisions for us. For example, when you want to find out something, you Google or ask Alexa.”

“In today’s digital era, Big Data is a descendant of Taylor’s ‘scientific management theory.’ The Business-as-usual cycle also never left the factory floors — steeped in his four principles to monitor and control a worker’s every movement with time as the key measurement:

· Replace simple habits and common sense with the scientific method to determine the most efficient way to perform specific work tasks

· Match workers to their jobs based on capability/motivation and train them to maximize efficiency

· Monitor worker performance by providing instructions and supervision to ensure they use the most efficient ways of working

· Allocate the work so managers spend their time planning and training while the workers work

Initially, the stopwatch was used to regulate human activities. That grew a top-down obsession with time, management and control — Business-as-usual logic progressively molding linear, fixed and narrow thinking and short-sighted ways of wanting to win at all costs. Time seen as money also mechanized humans — our lives standardized by routines — deadlines focusing us on silo-preservation.

In Technics and Civilization, Lewis Mumford shared how clocks had paved the way for an “abstract framework of divided time.” By becoming “the point of reference for both action and thought,” it “disassociated time from human events and helped create the belief in an independent world of mathematically measurable sequences.””

In his books, Mumford also explored how the military is the driving force for the rise of machines and the Machine Age and how the spread of science and technology will create “a universal, but inadequate society.”

In 1964, the man who sold us the global village dream wrote in Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man :

“War and the fear of war have always been considered the main incentives to technological extension of our bodies. Indeed, Lewis Mumford, in his The City in History, considers the walled city itself an extension of our skins, as much as housing and clothing. More even than the preparation for war, the aftermath of invasion is a rich technological period; because the subject culture has to adjust all its sense ratios to accommodate the impact of the invading culture.” Marshall McLuhan

As is typical in the initial BAU cycle, the Mega-Machine was not built based on a principle of punishment but on the idea of reward:

It “offers endless material abundance for all abundance, freeing men from the compulsion to work — automation and cybernetics will take care of production — only to replace it with the compulsion to consume.”

This is the mathematics of armaments races. How do you build the mathematics of a system in which what I do depends upon what you do, and what you do depends upon what I do, and we get into a thing.”

“We create the world that we perceive, not because there is no reality outside our heads, but because we select and edit the reality we see to conform to our beliefs about what sort of world we live in. The man who believes that the resources of the world are infinite, for example, or that if something is good for you then the more of it the better, will not be able to see his errors, because he will not look for evidence of them. For a man to change the basic beliefs that determine his perception — his epistemological premises — he must first become aware that reality is not necessarily as he believes it to be. Sometimes the dissonance between reality and false beliefs reaches a point when it becomes impossible to avoid the awareness that the world no longer makes sense. Only then is it possible for the mind to consider radically different ideas and perceptions.” Gregory Bateson

George Orwell’s Second thoughts on James Burnham’s 1941 book, The Managerial Revolution :

“Capitalism is disappearing, but Socialism is not replacing it. What is now arising is a new kind of planned, centralized society which will be neither capitalist nor, in any accepted sense of the word, democratic. The rulers of this new society will be the people who effectively control the means of production: that is, business executives, technicians, bureaucrats and soldiers, lumped together by Burnham under the name of ‘managers’.

These people will eliminate the old capitalist class, crush the working class, and so organize society that all power and economic privilege remain in their own hands. Private property rights will be abolished, but common ownership will not be established.

The new ‘managerial’ societies will not consist of a patchwork of small, independent states, but of great super-states grouped round the main industrial centres in Europe, Asia, and America. These super-states will fight among themselves for possession of the remaining uncaptured portions of the earth, but will probably be unable to conquer one another completely. Internally, each society will be hierarchical, with an aristocracy of talent at the top and a mass of semi-slaves at the bottom.”

As early as in 2010, Klaus Schwab had called for the “communitarian spirit” to form the basis of the stakeholder principle — “not just within the narrow confines of companies, but at a national and global level.”

Now that the Mega-Machine/’technostructure’ controls most, if not all the resources we need to survive, and surveillance technologies have surfaced, is the BAU cycle going from rewarding to punishing us?

In the greatest human experiment ever, will the Great Reset shove us into owning nothing and living the top-down one size fits all version of what it means to be happy? The pre-determined solution now aka the Metaverse, Society 5.0 or whatever other new labels?

Decentralization: Same ole way to centralize power

“The administrative structure pertaining to the Army of East India Company may best be described as a strongly hierarchical structure based on traditional military models. On the other hand, the decision-making mechanisms within the EIC Army, unlike other contemporary imperial armies, took the form of a combination of centralized and decentralized structures where each battalion had to operate within the objectives laid out by the Court of Directors, while still holding the unit leaders as responsible for the actions of their subordinates.

Hence, the decision-making process was carried out at two levels: One; the Court of Directors, as the superior entity in London, and two; the local administration, the subordinate entity situated in Asia, consisting of a president and his council for every separate region under the Company’s domination[5]. As far as the modification and setting of goals of the Company were concerned, the Court of Directors was the highest authority and the Company tended to lean towards a centralized structure.” ShrimpAmongWhales

In Human Brain/Cloud Interface, a group of Neuroscientists shared:

“The Internet comprises a decentralized global system that serves humanity’s collective effort to generate, process, and store data, most of which is handled by the rapidly expanding cloud. A stable, secure, real-time system may allow for interfacing the cloud with the human brain.”

“Every market is structured and managed. Every economy is a planned economy. The question is: Who is going to do it? Right now, instead of the government planning the economy, you have Wall Street planning the economy, and that’s more centralized than government planning.” Michael Hudson

Excerpt from How Big Brother Seeded the Tech Revolution :

“Although many are by now familiar with the roots of the Internet in the ARPANET, the world’s first interconnected packet switching network, with funding from the DoD’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, few are aware of just how much modern technology was originally funded by or created for government, military and intelligence agency customers.

In 1958 Mitre Corporation was founded with workers from a US Air Force anti-air defense project and continues to this day to support numerous government agencies with systems engineering and IT development, including the DoD, DHS, FAA and IRS. It is currently chaired by ex-Director of Central Intelligence James Schlesinger.

In 1977 Software Development Laboratories created the first Oracle database on contract for their customer, the CIA. Within 25 years, virtually every Fortune 100 company in the world would rely on Oracle databases to manage their information.

The Global Positioning System program, which is now an integral part of everything from car navigation systems to smartphone apps, was created by the Department of Defense. After the KAL 007 disaster, the system was committed to civilian uses including air traffic monitoring.

More important than these open interventions in the IT sector, however, are the ways that the hand of the US government in the development of modern hardware and software has been hidden behind a smokescreen of venture capital companies. Effectively, this modern system of funding for key tech startups has hidden the intimate relations that continue to exist between Silicon Valley and the heart of America’s intelligence apparatus.

As we reported last year, In-Q-Tel was set up in 1999 as the CIA’s venture capital firm to identify and acquire emerging technologies for the use of the intelligence community. Since then, they have gone on to invest in an array of companies touting various Orwellian, privacy-invading technologies that would be of significant interest to a government increasingly bent on becoming a 21st century Big Brother.”

Note what also happened in 1999 from Part I of this mini-series :

“In the 1999 fiscal year, (Catherine Austin) Fitts’ attorney noticed US$59 billions were missing from the US Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD). They subsequently discovered huge amounts of money had disappeared from the HUD and the US Department of Defense. At the same time, private equity firms in Washington with little track record and experience were suddenly blessed with billions of dollars flowing in to invest in China and Asia.”

The greater the decentralization, the more toxic the ‘I win, you lose’ competition. As your vested interests have you fight it out amongst yourselves, doesn’t that render ‘divide to control’ much easier to do — top-down?

Ultimately, decentralization hides centralization as power aggregates in the very few hands behind the BAU network of corporate control.

For instance, Vanguard and BlackRock not only own a large part of the stocks of nearly all big companies but also the stocks of the investors in those companies.

“Bureaucracy happens. If bureaucracy happens, power rises. Power corrupts.” Darcy K. Leach, The Iron Law of What Again? Conceptualizing Oligarchy across Organizational Forms

Since “the system must be first,” won’t these few — the oligarchy — use all means necessary to preserve and increase their power and keep us feeding the perpetual debt machine based on our vested interests?

Self-interests corralling cogs into the digital world?

“The Internet is perhaps one of the most valuable public inventions of the twentieth century, and decisions made by a few key unelected officials in the federal bureaucracy set the Internet on the certain path to privatization. There was no real public debate, no discussion, no dissension, and no oversight. It was just given away, before anyone outside this bureaucratic bubble realized what was at stake.” Yasha Levine, Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet

The development of the Internet can be traced to 1958, when the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was established to research and develop new technology for the United States military. In October 1969, the first ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) host-to-host (independent network-to-independent network) connection was established between the University of California in Los Angeles and the Stanford Research Institute. This became the cornerstone for what is known as the Internet, a network of computer networks.

The World Wide Web, a network of Internet websites, did not come online until 1993 but at a NASA symposium that year, science-fiction novelist Vernor Vinge announced:

“within 30 years, we will have the technological means to create super-human intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended.”

In April 1993, in the build up to the first dotcom bubble, CERN made the Web foundations and protocols available — royalty free, and without additional impediments. Interesting that happened less than a year after the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), aka the second Earth Summit, launched Agenda 21 as a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society” in Rio de Janeiro.

Click for a trip down memory lane, on how Americans on the “Today Show” thought the Internet was in 1994.

The Internet maybe distributed and decentralized but your vested self-interests drive convergence — the energy of people chasing after illusions of fame and fortune. By the end of the 1990’s, nobody really knew what they were doing.

Many were simply mesmerized by stories of how business plans written on the backs of napkins had minted overnight dotcom millionaires, and aspired to be like them. Or were enthralled by how the Internet could bypass corporate middlemen to directly connect real people to share and empower one another.

Alas, in a world that’s legally more tailored for legal fictions than real people, no greater god than growth systemically becomes any legal entity’s survival mantra and this also reinforces Big Business’ addiction to insatiable power:

“… the boundaries of the Sharing Economy are not arbitrary. Almost all the members of Peers, and all the groups mentioned by Botsman and Owyang are technology-focused organizations. If Sharing Economy companies define the name, then it is clear that the Internet is a central part of their self-identification. Strangely, considering the language of altruism and generosity that is so often used to describe it … The Sharing Economy is almost entirely a small number of technology firms backed by large amounts of venture capital.” Tom Slee, What’s Yours Is Mine: Against the Sharing Economy

“Amazon never made a profit until they got huge cloud contracts from the CIA and the U.S. intelligence agencies and that’s when they started to make a profit … a small number of banks and defense contractors are controlling and running all the information systems and all the payment financial systems and controlling the bank accounts and literally, what you’re watching is a government that no longer has information sovereignty and financial sovereignty. There is no sovereignty there.” Catherine Austin Fitts

If so, can the first dotcom boom and bust be fundamental to getting us used to, trained and nudged into the digital identity world — addicted to growing digital oligarchs like Microsoft, Facebook (now Meta), Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google (now Alphabet) with our free energy, time and efforts — to start fusing the physical, digital and biological world and unwittingly, to become the Internet of Brains (IoB)?

“The global village, one world interconnected by an electronic nervous system making it part of our popular culture before it actually happened.” Marshall McLuhan

So cogs will blissfully pave the way for the Fourth Industrial Revolution where the ‘Metaverse’ becomes the new economic and governance universe central to all aspects of life — from how we work and play to how we communicate with each other — even as AI nudges/learns/scores our behavior as a post human?

Metaverse is what Mark Zuckerberg described as being “at the beginning of the next chapter for the internet”:

“In this future, you will be able to teleport instantly as a hologram to be at the office without a commute, at a concert with friends, or in your parents’ living room to catch up … many physical things you have today that could just be holograms in the future. Your TV, your perfect work setup with multiple monitors, your board games, and more — instead of physical things assembled in factories, they’ll be holograms designed by creators around the world.”

The term was born in Neal Stephenson’s 1992 Snow Crash novel about a dangerous escape from a world overrun by corporate mafia, mercenary defense forces and sovereign gated communities protected by armed guards.

Transhumanism is the desire to escape one’s self by escaping the reality of your life by immersing yourself in the machine. As cogs experience the power you lack in the physical world, you will feel empowered in the machine — addicted to acting out your fantasies. In your own data cocoon, customized news, information (and even lies) will be tailored to your personal beliefs.

Funded by Silicon Valley oligarchs and Wall Street traders, we’re to believe the Metaverse will be magical instead of a decadent virtual realm where everything we need or want will eventually be paid for by us giving up our energy.

What’s now being sold to us is that we will be able to own, control and monetize our own data instead of:

“You are not the product, you are the abandoned carcass.” Shoshana Zuboff

Less than three decades after CERN made the Web public, your habit of clicking on online Terms and Conditions or Updates conditions you to giving away your time, ideas and energy to create value for the digital oligarchs. It addicts you to being datamined to train their algorithms to profile your digital twin.

That’s just the start.

Because as you apply digital to “the system must be first”, won’t the digital paradigm remain “the system must be first” but worse?

“Digital power is every bit as likely to be abused as physical power, but is often more insidious because it is often wielded in the background until its results manifest themselves in the offline world.” Rebecca MacKinnon

“Transhumanism is repackaged eugenics that never went away. It’s central to the ‘new normal’ and is now being built around us … transhumanism is being mainstreamed right under our noses and introduced as the new normal … Transhumanism is Man’s (with a capital M) grand attempt at apotheosis. apotheosis — the fact or action of becoming or making into a god; deification.[1]

It’s the serpent’s famous lie told to Adam in the garden: ‘You shall be as god …’ That lie has continually been told throughout history. And it apparently is the grand lie that will be Satan’s final attempt to storm heaven’s gates.” David Herin

“Technocracy uses its “science of social engineering” to merge technology and society. Transhumanism uses its field of NBIC to merge technology directly into humans. To put it another way, Technocracy is to society what Transhumanism is to the humans that live in it.

Transhumanism as a philosophy has been growing for centuries, but only in the metaphysical realm. Its ultimate goal is for humans to escape death and live forever in a state of immortality. With the advancement of science in the last 30 years, Transhumans naturally migrated from the metaphysical to the physical in order to convert their beliefs into reality.

NBIC stands for Nano (nano-technology), Bio (bio-technology), Info (information technology) and Cogno (cognitive sciences). These four scientific disciplines remained separate avenues of study in Universities around the world until the early 1970s. Today, NBIC has become an established discipline of its own in most major universities with personnel contributed from each separate department.

Why NBIC? Because the underlying language of each field is digital in nature. Genetics (DNA, RNA) is expressed in digital terms. The brain (Cogno) is considered digital, like a biological supercomputer. Nanotechnology is digital as scientists discover how to manipulate matter itself with computer technology. All together, NBIC offers a scientific cauldron to Transhumans in their quest to create Humans 2.0.” Patrick Wood

“NBIC convergence is just another level of control in the control grid. With this iteration, owning not just the human body and mind as a slave, but now also the soul.

Nano, bio, info, and cognitive can all support the individual human and society without merger … so why merge? E.g., Artificial innovation has the ability to create knowledge to the limits of storage capacity. The human society could build an advanced library and achieve remarkable things … why in the world would they need to merge their humanity with that library? It really makes no sense. But this is the ultimate in paid energy harvesting and the ‘owners’ are drooling over the potential profits with this kind of increase in exploitation.” Bruce LaDuke

In an article by Leo Hohmann, Wood further opined:

“This is a stepping stone straight into the transhumanist meme, where people can live in an artificial world where they can interact just as easily as they can in the real world. I know that just sounds incredible, but they’re talking about you creating an avatar for yourself that will be your online avatar. It will look like you, talk like you, and you will be able to go from one virtual reality to another. And you will recognize one another in these different realities.

The problem comes in when you won’t be able to distinguish between your reality and their reality.”

Wood described the Metaverse as a “gateway into transhumanism” — the elites’ plan to create humanity 2.0 which they consider to be a “more perfect human.” They believe they will accomplish that by merging man with machine and connecting him to the Metaverse.

At some point, you won’t even have to wear goggles or glasses. A device will be implanted in your brain — exactly where influential globalists like Klaus Schwab believe the Metaverse is ultimately headed.

“They now believe they can download someone’s life experience, whether it’s their soul or brain, wherever they can get enough data, load it into the Metaverse where they can generate a person in the Metaverse that will act independently of anybody outside the Metaverse as if it were that person.”

Since you don’t own anything, access is provisional upon your social credit rating score to rent or subscribe to whatever you need to survive/get ahead.

With AI monitoring, nudging and scoring whatever you do, won’t you abide by whatever the Metaverse dictates and believe that to be your calling?

As crypto currency influence and drive cog behaviors and smart-contracts blockchain act as conditional law, won’t living the Metaverse become our new social contract?

Being a co-creator of this manufactured reality, you can never unplug and leave as you will be thoroughly immersed in its virtual layers.

As 5G enables Web 3.0/Metaverse/Society 5.0, won’t you increasingly feed the insatiable BAU system we depend on with our data/everything else we have so by 2030, “You’ll own nothing … and be happy”?

“The intent is world domination.” Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 2008 on Web 3.0

Berners-Lee is behind the ‘Semantic Web’ — the new decentralized internet powered by distributed ledger technology — where real people anywhere in the world become a part of the Blockchain governed by smart contracts to supposedly monetize our creations through the Web 3.0 infrastructure.

During the 2018 international Web Summit in Lisbon, Berners-Lee unveiled what he described as a “Magna Carta for the web” where all governments are urged to support basic principles of internet freedom to ensure that the web serves “humanity, science, knowledge, and democracy.”

In the Contract for the Web, Berners-Lee stated:

1) Governments to ensure everyone can connect to the internet all the time and respect people’s fundamental right to privacy,

2) Companies to make the internet affordable and accessible to all, respect consumers’ privacy and personal data and develop technologies that support the best in humanity and challenge the worst.

3) Citizens to be online creators and collaborators who build strong communities that respect civil discourse and human dignity and to fight for the web.

Did he mean “the system must be first” to keep extracting our energy?

Nowhere did Berners-Lee call for a change of direction — for a world to be legally more pro real people than corporate entities.

So, does it matter your data isn’t stored in central servers when all users have to log in with credentials (e.g. ID2020 or a Covid Pass) and the personal information on your lifelong dashboard follows you wherever you go?

Helmed by the World Economic Forum — the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation — legal fictions of all sorts of hue, genre and size have entered into Public Private Partnerships with each other to shove us into merging the physical with the virtual.

MasterCard, a key WEF partner, was one of Web 3.0’s early sponsors.

Meta and Microsoft recently announced they are partnering to allow customers to integrate Meta’s Workplace enterprise social network software with Microsoft Teams.

Excerpt from Social Movements Powering the Future of Money:

‘Artificial persons’ have no higher god than growth and the global rent-seeking ‘technostructure’ is shrewdly built on debt. When people lose their jobs to automation, robotics and AI, how will they pay back any of their accumulating debts? How will you survive?

You may want to consider tokenization which very conveniently allows you to convert your rights to an asset (including your DNA) into a digital token:

Let’s say you own an apartment valued at $200,000. On a Blockchain platform that supports smart contracts, tokenization can convert that monetary value into say, 200,000 tokens. Each token represents 0.0005 percent share of the underlying asset (your apartment) and this can be freely bought and sold on the different exchanges.

A stranger who buys 100,000 tokens of that will own half your apartment while owning 200,000 tokens will make the buyer a 100 percent owner.

The Business-as-usual logic maintains that because Blockchain is a public ledger and immutable, that alone will ensure that once you buy tokens, nobody can ‘erase’ your ownership even if it is not registered with a government-run registry. However, if you upload titles and deeds to your (physical or intangible) assets to an online platform, doesn’t that mean that anything of value that you own can also be taken away from you with your (unwitting) consent?”

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) — digital certificate of ownership that are almost always bought and sold using cryptocurrency — are piloting how every single item on the planet, including digital files like a jpeg image, a video or a song, can be registered as a unique item on the Blockchain to track and trace you in a system where you will own nothing but instead “share,” rent items and well, be happy.

A Global Brain as a Global Commons

“Until recently, NATO had divided war into five different operational domains: air, land, sea, space, and cyber. But with its development of cognitive warfare strategies, the military alliance is discussing a new, sixth level: the “human domain.”

A 2020 NATO-sponsored study of this new form of warfare clearly explained, “While actions taken in the five domains are executed in order to have an effect on the human domain, cognitive warfare’s objective is to make everyone a weapon.”

“The brain will be the battlefield of the 21st century … Humans are the contested domain,” and “future conflicts will likely occur amongst the people digitally first and physically thereafter in proximity to hubs of political and economic power.” Ben Norton

“ … this illusion where you think that you’re in this super-democratic open thing, but actually it’s exactly the opposite; it’s actually creating a super concentration of wealth and power, and disempowering you. This has been particularly cruel politically …

The argument is that social media hates your soul. And it suggests that there’s a whole spiritual, religious belief system along with social media like Facebook that I think people don’t like. And it’s also fucking phony and false.

It suggests that life is some kind of optimization, like you’re supposed to be struggling to get more followers and friends. Zuckerberg even talked about how the new goal of Facebook would be to give everybody a meaningful life, as if something about Facebook is where the meaning of life is.

It suggests that you’re just a cog in a giant global brain or something like that. The rhetoric from the companies is often about AI, that what they’re really doing — like YouTube’s parent company, Google, says what they really are is building the giant global brain that’ll inherit the earth and they’ll upload you to that brain and then you won’t have to die. It’s very, very religious in the rhetoric.

And so it’s turning into this new religion, and it’s a religion that doesn’t care about you. It’s a religion that’s completely lacking in empathy or any kind of personal acknowledgment. And it’s a bad religion. It’s a nerdy, empty, sterile, ugly, useless religion that’s based on false ideas. And I think that of all of the things, that’s the worst thing about it.” Jaron Lanier

On July 25, the New York Times reported that since 2017, Facebook has quietly cultivated exclusive partnerships with select religious communities where it “aims to become the virtual home for religious community, and wants churches, mosques, synagogues and others to embed their religious life into its platform, from hosting worship services and socializing more casually to soliciting money.”

Virtual idols are the future of false religion. With 3 billion users and zero sense of sacred boundaries, Facebook is poised to lead this revolution. The Church of Facebook is set to capture the human soul in silicon.

“Any computing machine that is to solve a complex mathematical problem must be ‘programmed’ for this task. This means that the complex operation of solving that problem must be replaced by a combination of the basic operations of the machine.” John von Neumann, The Computer and the Brain

In a 2016 interview, Klaus Schwab shared how they are going to achieve their master plan: “In the next 10 years,” humans will be microchipped to be able to buy and sell.

Within the next five years, Elon Musk also aims to achieve digital telepathy through brain chips.

The transhumanist agenda seems set on creating a ‘digital world’ where no natural human being has God-imprinted DNA so “in the end, maybe, there will be a direct communication between our brains and the digital world.”

Excerpt from Social Movements Powering the Future of Money:

“As humans become surplus elements of production, money will become Big Data — the new numeric gold for digital entities.

As technocrats rush to replace old structures with new and transform every product into a service with them as the middlemen, this may portend the top-down shift of control from money to Big Data:

Why? Because the Business-as-usual function of extracting our value based on ‘I win, you lose’ to maximize profits has not changed one iota. It is the operating system of the ‘technostructure.’ So, DO NOT MISTAKE a change of form, name, people or mere regulatory tweaks as change.”

Does the relentless focus on new technologies and innovation hide how the BAU paradigm of control we are in is all about extracting our energy/value to have us feed ourselves and each other to the insatiable “the system must be first”?

Especially over the last century, real people have built and fortified the BAU system with our energy.

As the form of control evolves from fiat to data, all sorts of experiments now center on how to have the Blockchain record whatever we own. If so, are experiments with Bitcoin, cryptos, tokens, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), smart contracts, etc. to hold individuals responsible while exponentially extracting their energy?

At the business level:

A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is a business structure where control is spread out rather than hierarchical. The first DAO was created in 2016. Called ‘The DAO,’ it ran on the Ethereum blockchain which has smart contract capability.

As DeFi protocols emerged in late 2020, DAO has become an integral part of decentralized finance.

A big part of Bitcoin’s recent makeover has to do with digital signatures — similar to the fingerprint you leave on every transaction. Its Taproot update will further unlock the potential for smart contracts.

With Holacracy, corporate control has evolved from centralized governance to decentralized and distributed responsibility, with the onus on the individual employee:

“Holacracy is a distributed authority system — a set of ‘rules of the game’ that bake empowerment into the core of the organization. Unlike conventional top-down or progressive bottom-up approaches, it integrates the benefits of both without relying on parental heroic leaders. Everyone becomes a leader of their roles and a follower of others’, processing tensions with real authority and real responsibility, through dynamic governance and transparent operations.” Brian Robertson, Founder of HolacracyOne

Instead of job titles, roles self-organize each employee around a set of strict rules based on a shared ownership of corporate purpose and vision hierarchy ingrained at all levels.

Won’t that eventually train AI to take over your job?

‘Trustless’ trust

“Blockchain is inefficient tech by design, as we create trust by building a system based on distrust. If you only trust yourself and a set of rules (the software), then you have to validate everything that happens against these rules yourself. That is the life of a blockchain node.” Alex de Vries

In a paradigm where legal fictions compete for real people’s energy to grow their insatiable bottom line, the difficulty is scaling trust.

So, instead of addressing how trust is systemically broken through artificial scarcity, the Blockchain and smart contracts have been brandied as ‘trustless’ solutions. Bitcoin could even be an early experiment to mind flip us from trusting money to trusting ‘trustless’ technology — to prepare us for new technological inventions hurtling our way so we will seamlessly outsource our value to codes and to mathematical algorithms formulated and tweaked for powerful interests.

A Cointelegraph article shared how the Big Four are gearing up to become Crypto and Blockchain auditors:

“I believe the Big Four firms will serve as the bridge between the crypto ecosystem and the institutional world. It’s good for both the crypto ecosystem and for professional services firms like ours as a new source of clients that we can help.” Aviv Lichtigstein, CEO of independent consulting firm 101 Blockchains

“Although Bitcoin was designed with a trustless ideology, the reality is that the industry still requires trusted entities to catalyze the development of the ecosystem.” Henri Arslanian, PwC’s global crypto leader

“SEC issuers will want to design blockchain technologies to support the entity’s internal control over financial reporting. Being able to demonstrate how these technologies achieve their objectives in a well-controlled environment is critical to a successful blockchain strategy. If the technology is not auditable, the immense benefits it brings, such as increasing efficiencies and cutting costs, may not be realized.” Erich Braun, KPMG United States blockchain audit leader

The Great BAU Reset, A Global Population Management System?

“The more things change, the more they remain the same.” Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

Four years after the1988 Economist cover pitched humanity to get ready for a single unified currency, the United Nations (UN) started advocating for a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.”

Interestingly, that was also the year that BlackRock was founded:

“Since 1988 the company has put itself in a position to de facto control the Federal Reserve, most Wall Street mega-banks, including Goldman Sachs, the Davos World Economic Forum Great Reset, the Biden Administration and, if left unchecked, the economic future of our world. BlackRock is the epitome of what Mussolini called Corporatism, where an unelected corporate elite dictates top down to the population.” F William Engdahl

“Sustainable development was a core philosophy behind the Programme of Action called “Agenda 21” at the 1992 United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (UNCED) …

Sustainable development has continued to evolve as the protection of the world’s resources, while its true agenda is to control the world’s resources … Agenda 21 sets up the global infrastructure needed to manage, count, and control all of the world’s assets. Included are the forests, fresh water, agricultural lands, deserts, pastures, rangelands, farmers’ fields, oceans and inland waterways, marine environment, marine life, cities, housing, sewer and solid wastes, methods of production, air, pollution, biotechnology-every aspect of living-farming, production and manufacturing, research and medicine, etc., along with you and me. Today everything is sustainable: sustainable water, sustainable forests, sustainable markets, sustainable agriculture, etc. … Thousands of environmental NGO’s support and are helping to implement Agenda 21 worldwide.” Joan Veon in 2004

Agenda 21 has since been relabeled as Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development Goals, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Great Reset, Metaverse, Society 5.0, etc.

Armstrong Economics weighs in:

“… the central banks are TRAPPED!!!!! People have NO IDEA what we face. The system is unraveling but not even those in government have understood how it was interwoven to begin with. This is all part of how we are heading into a major Monetary Crisis Cycle and I fear they will misunderstand it once again and create more stupid laws that will bring the entire house of cards down by the time we reach 2032.

If you just play out what has taken place in socialism, there will be $400 trillion of unfunded liabilities by the time we get to 2032. That cannot be dealt with and I suspect we will see more authoritarian usurpation down the line.”

Invited to a major political dinner in Washington with Dick Fox, the former Chairman of Temple University in 2017, Martin Armstrong shared how they were placed with the heads of the various environmental groups. Assuming friendly company, they began speaking freely. When Fox moved the conversation towards the truth behind their movements, they admitted it was not about the environment but to reduce population growth.

“The name of the game is the creation of world banks, regional currencies, multinational trusts, giant foundations, land expropriations, and massive transfers of natural resources — the cartelization of the world’s natural resources — which will ultimately evolve into transfers of national sovereignty.” Larry Abraham and Franklin Sanderss

Data as the future of no/programmable money

“Data is to Technocracy as blood is to your body.” Patrick Wood

Since “the system must be first,” won’t our lives (especially those of the young and the yet-to-be-born) be increasingly micro-managed and exploited from cradle to grave with technology?

“Central banks are going to offer retail accounts to the general public and business accounts … and they have to call this something like CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies). We’re witnessing (how) the central banks are preparing, as bank regulators, to compete against the regulated.” Richard Werner

“ … key difference in the CBDC is that central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability and also we will have the technology to enforce that. Those two issues are extremely important and that makes a huge difference with respect to what cash is.” Agustin Carstens, BIS head on an IMF panel about Cross-border settlements

Despite Bitcoin, Ethereum, NFTs and their biggest promoters among the most elite financial circles, other derivatives of fiat currencies and increasing BAU boom and bust cycles, less than 4% of the world’s population use crypto, according to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology company TripleA.

This is seen as hampering the top-down mantra to digitize our lives i.e. to transition us out of what Ford had succeeded with money. For “the system must be first” this time, we are to willingly surrender whatever else is ours for data to survive.

Is that why since launching the Sustainable Development Goals in 2017, the United Nations want us to accept a new social contract? Will that open up a whole new world of human exploitation?

Universal basic income (UBI) to fold us into the New social contract?

“Several central banks have like the Bank of England already prepared their microchip implant RFID chip to be implanted under your skin and why a sudden discussion about universal basic income from all the grassroots inverted commas movements and billionaires.

Universe basic income is the bribe for you to accept the microchip.” Richard Werner

“The structural challenges to capitalism posed by digital automation and technologies don’t appear to be a sign of its end so much as a fundamental shift towards a more primitive, brutal form of accumulation and assault on the social organization of human society.” Michael Betancourt

In April 2020, barely a month and two weeks into the officially-declared pandemic, the WEF announced Universal Basic Income is the Answer to the Inequalities Exposed By COVID-19.

Authored by the Assistant Secretary-General of the UN and the UN Development Programme’s (UNDP) Chief Economist for Asia and the Pacific, they summarized our fear:

“The alternative to not having UBI is worse — the rising likelihood of social unrest, conflict, unmanageable mass migration and the proliferation of extremist groups that capitalize and ferment on social disappointment. It is against this background that we seriously need to consider implementing a well-designed UBI, so shocks may hit, but they won’t destroy.”

With Web 3.0, is UBI their key pre-determined solution to shove us into the Fourth Industrial Revolution/Metaverse/Society 5.0?

“So a new social contract needs to emerge from this crisis that rebalances deep inequalities that are prevalent across societies. To put it bluntly: The question should no longer be whether resources for effective social protection can be found — but how they can be found. UBI promises to be a useful element of such a framework.”

In an Opinion piece for Bloomberg, Andreas Kluth, former Berlin bureau chief of The Economist, hammered the same theme: how This Pandemic Will Lead to Social Revolutions:

“The International Labor Organization has warned that it will destroy 195 million jobs worldwide, and drastically cut the income of another 1.25 billion people. Most of them were already poor. As their suffering worsens, so do other scourges, from alcoholism and drug addiction to domestic violence and child abuse, leaving whole populations traumatized, perhaps permanently.”

Click to read: Is Universal Basic Income: The Bridge to Surveillance Capitalism?

WorldCoin came about from discussing how UBI will eventually be very important. 33 years after The Economist’s 1988 cover, is it the long-experimented Phoenix Coin to bribe us into embracing being “part of a larger effort to drive a more unified and equitable global economy driven by the internet economy”?

In the weeks prior to the 26th UN Climate Change conference (COP26), WorldCoin came out of stealth, having raised US$25 million from investors.

In a world traumatized by Covid, Sam Altman, former Y Combinator President and OpenAI CEO, and Alex Blania want to scan 1 billion people’s iris by 2023 to speed up digital currency adoption.

The company calls itself a “new, collectively owned global currency that will be distributed fairly to as many people as possible.”

To claim their free coin, real people first have to prove they are humans who have not signed up previously.

Isn’t that similar to how Ford’s workers first had to be qualified’ for their new wage last century? Their personal lives were investigated, with advisers conducting home visits, checking bank deposits and even monitoring the workers’ children’s school attendance.

This 21st century version has ‘the Orb’ scanning people’s irises and capturing unique biometric identifiers that are then “converted into a short numeric code.”

Independent entrepreneurs called ‘Orb Operators’ are taking this chrome, volleyball-sized sphere into remote villages, metro stations and university campuses to convince people to sign up for free WorldCoin with an eye scan. Over 130,000 already have and WorldCoin is now valued at US$1B:

“The crypto startup has one of the more comically rigorous user acquisition flows, licensing their Orb cameras to contractors across the globe who manually go through the process of verifying each and every new user on the network in every city of every country on every continent of the globe.

In its most basic form, the company’s proof-of-personhood onboarding flow works by capturing an image of a person’s iris with the Orb, converting that image into a hash code (a process WorldCoin says can’t be reversed), checking with a database to ensure that a hash associated with that iris hasn’t already been uploaded, and, if it is unique, saving the hash while allowing users to generate a wallet in their app, from which the Orb scans a QR code. What this amounts to is a network of verified users that is tied to pseudonymous wallet codes rather than real names, and a database that is filled with hashes rather than actual eyeball photos, privacy efforts Blania hopes that WorldCoin can communicate clearly as it rapidly onboards users.” Lucas Matney

Won’t your iris become your digital signature so only the key people behind WorldCoin know who you are, everything about you and most importantly, the context of our collective action?

Peter Georgescu, Chairman Emeritus of Young & Rubicam Inc., even opined that A Universal Basic Income Is The Private Sector’s Job, Not The Taxpayer’s.

“Milton Friedman has said … “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” But the economy today is all about how to get a free lunch. That is what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were all about, and what government bailouts of the financial sector tend to be about.” Michael Hudson

Early last century, the world’s two largest population groups (farmers and live-in servants) were rushed post-haste to work in factories/offices, to grow businesses with their energy and subsequently, to mindlessly build the foundation for our way of life institutionalized by war for exploitation.

Again, isn’t the Great Reset similar, except that instead of colonizing physical space, our minds/souls will be colonized through digitalizing anything and everything on the Blockchain in the Metaverse, linked to our iris?

With the global roll-out of 5G, as the global rent-seekers signal their key supporters to orchestrate bursting the Bubble of everything, are we being rushed to co-create a ‘Global brain’ to store everything about us?

“A Blockchain will operate more LIKE a human brain in that there will be a consensual distribution of information being provided by networks of nodes — in the world of Blockchains — similar to synapses in your brain. The theoretical ‘global brain’ is no longer a mere theory, but an actual entity that we are voluntarily creating …the whole idea of a ‘global brain’ and the Blockchain BECOME ONE. And the nexus point is the human body.” Gonzo Shimura

With our lives embedded into business models, the coding is opaque and invisible. Won’t this latest shift shove us online for total controlinto a future totally different from life as we know it today?

“The math-powered applications powering the data economy were based on choices made by fallible human beings. Some of these choices were no doubt made with the best intentions. Nevertheless, many of these models encoded human prejudice, misunderstanding, and bias into the software systems that increasingly managed our lives. Like gods, these mathematical models were opaque, their workings invisible to all but the highest priests in their domain: mathematicians and computer scientists. Their verdicts, even when wrong or harmful, were beyond dispute or appeal. And they tended to punish the poor and the oppressed in our society, while making the rich richer.” Cathy O’Neil, Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy

Is the WorldCoin an example of how all digital creations are covert experiments to get buy-ins to turn our energy (captured with fiat) into data so the future of no/programmable money will have us cogs perpetually accumulating debt to keep feeding the insatiable BAU system?

Remember, “the system must be first” is built on our vested self-interests to keep growing corporate raiders.

With the global system and policies interlinked to extract our value and as money turns into Big Data — the new gold rush for digital Big Business — the future we’re being headed towards — could ultimately mutate to include extracting everything else of value that we own.

According to Bantam Joe, a 30-year game developer and combat veteran:

“The driving force behind the pandemic and “The Great Reset” is actually the rollout of a CARBON CREDIT ECONOMY, repackaged as “Build Back Better.”

In this system, what you buy, consume, perform, etc., will be decided by your carbon footprint. You’ll be given a maximum allowance of carbon credits on your carbon credit crypto wallet. Each time you perform any action that has a carbon trace, carbon credits will be deducted from your carbon crypto account on the blockchain. What you can buy and do is decided by crypto/blockchain smart contracts, also known as programmable money.

Under their plan, a UBI (universal basic income) type social and carbon credit blockchain based system, if you reach your maximum carbon allowance, your account is shut off and you can no longer purchase or do anything. Of course, not unless you’re rich and you “purchase” tokenized carbon credits, either out of your wallet, or in planting some trees. If you’re fortunate to plant a tree (which almost no one can do), you will then have to register that tree on a blockchain as an NFT (non-fungible token).

Both satellites and drones will attest and authenticate its existence (using GPS and machine learning vision), in order to make sure there is no double-spending (blockchain transaction) on any of those individual trees. All done with AI and blockchain … We are talking about global rationing based on your carbon footprint! … forever!”

Click for more on how Joe envisages life in a SOCIAL CARBON CREDIT ECONOMY will pan out.

Won’t this divide us into two classesone where real people are microchipped, tracked, traced and databased in real time as governing authorities seek to control every aspect of our lives while the other will be a very tiny class that owns all the capital and all the data as everybody else will have no (economic) value?

No status quo company will fund anything that threatens its own gravy train:

“Through intellectuals like Cowen and Brooks, capitalism is enjoying its sweetest dream. It has dreamed a place where the wealthy consort only with their mechanical creations and servants. It is a place where industry makes mostly those things needed by the rich. It is a place without suffering and the complaints of workers and the poor, most of whom have now “rationally chosen” to live in poverty colonies in unfortunate climes. Perhaps it is only a dream, a piece of economic whimsy, but labor statistic and anecdotes about les miserables suggest that it is real enough.

These intellectuals are also making a wager: they are betting that the poor and low-paid half of the population will not know how to organize and will not revolt, especially if there is TV to watch and social programs that consist of not much more than free Hulu for the poor. Social isolation and anomie — the impotence of the canaille — is capitalism’s first line of defence against those it has dispossessed. They’re also betting that the poor will be mostly clueless about the reasons for and the meaning of their condition, so much so that they will be fervent supporters of the “freedoms” offered by their oppressors, especially the freedom to oppress.

Capitalism’s cyborg dreams only confirm that it is the enemy of all dreams. If we wish to reclaim our right to be the dreamers, rather than the dreamt, we need to take the first step and say, as e. e. cummings wrote, “there is some shit I will not eat.” Curtis White, We, Robots: Staying Human in the Age of Big Data

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our notions of ownership, our consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and leisure and how we develop our careers, cultivate our skills, meet people and nurture relationships. It is already changing our health and leading to a “quantified” self, and sooner than we think it may lead to human augmentation. The list is endless because it is bound only by our imagination.” Klaus Schwab

Since “the system must be first,” isn’t Schwab saying that real people will form the backbone of creative new debt products to create a human capital futures market that requires our mass surveillance and data extraction to keep the debt-based BAU casino humming for the elites in their quest for immortality?

In 2011, Time published 2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal where Ray Kurzweil projected that year will be when the vast increases in computing power and the vast reductions in the cost, the quantity of AI created will be about a billion times the sum of all existing human intelligence.

The Institute of International Finance recently announced the global debt trap we’re in is fast approaching record $300 trillion asGlobally, household debt rose by $1.5 trillion in the first six months of this year to $55 trillion … Total sustainable debt issuance meanwhile has surpassed $800 billion year to date … with global issuance projected to reach $1.2 trillion in 2021.”

But instead of addressing this pressing debt problem, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Alphabet’s Larry Page, Oracle’s Larry Ellison, Palantir’s Peter Thiel and the like want to use their enormous wealth to try and help humans to “cheat death.”

Calico and Human Longevity are two companies pioneering genetic and pharmacological techniques to reduce the ravages of time on the human body. Arizona-based nonprofit Alcor vitrifies dead people in the hopes of reviving them at a later date while Russian internet mogul Dmitry Itskov seeks to create cybernetic bodies to host human consciousness.

Are the elites looking for guinea pigs so they can live forever as the perpetual debt-generating machinery evolves to a new digital form?

For instance, in 2018, George Church — a scientist at the forefront of the CRISPR genetic engineering revolution — announced he will use the Blockchain to allow you to monetize your DNA with Genecoin. (Example of how BAU self-organizes vested interests to ensure “the system must be first.”)

Like everything nowadays, that’s been sold as wanting to give the power back to us but a well-known cause of physical degeneration is telomeres which are the DNA segments found at the ends of chromosomes.

Do your own research but because “the system must be first” and our self-interests are embedded into feeding that, do you see how the ultimate dream of domination is to have the dominated exploit one another? Isn’t the root of all our problems systemic exploitation?

Start thinking about what cogs can do and watch out for the finale article in the Hacking mindsets series. We cannot solve our problems with the same BAU logic used to create them.

Click for Part I or Part II of this mini-series.


The United Nations and the Origins of “The Great Reset”

The Present Money System — Functioning, Dysfunctions and Future Perspectives

The Dotcom Bubble Crash Was 20 Years Ago Today — Could it Happen Again?

From Lockdowns to “The Great Reset”

BlackRock Is Leading A $120 Trillion Investment Boom That Is Upending Wall St.

BlackRock’s Rise Shows the Dark Direction of Monopoly Capitalism

Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid

Gambling With Our Futures: Big Data, Global Finance and Digital Life

Game, Set and Match: BlackRock’s ESG Gambit and the End of Risk

The fate of the planet will be negotiated in Glasgow, Scotland

The Internet of Bodies: Opportunities, Risks, and Governance

Are NFTs the Next Tulip Bubble? Kenny Schachter Doesn’t Care — and He Sold His Own Grandma on the Crypto Web to Prove It

Coinbase Plans To Launch NFT Marketplace By End Of Year

Super-intelligence and eternal life: transhumanism’s faithful follow it blindly into a future for the elite

NYSE to list New “Natural Asset Companies” Asset Class, targeting Massive Opportunity in Ecosystem Services



Betty Lim
Betty Lim

Written by Betty Lim

Exploring how we are self-organized to systemically live a "cradle to grave" business plan

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