Could the first truly global experiment we are creating to live have its roots in Babylon/Sumer? That's more than 2,400 years ago
In the introduction to the Loeb translation of Plato's Timaeus, R.G. Bury notes: 'The primary operation of the Demiurge is to construct the World Soul. In his description of this process, Plato mixes myth with mathematics in a peculiarly baffling way'. This article will argue that if Plato's mathematics is interpreted in accordance with the Pythagorean tradition and the ancient science of harmonics, the arithmetic quickly ceases to be 'baffling'. The article will also identify a possible Mesopotamian origin for Plato'e mathematical construct.
"Humans Are Now Hackable Animals - Free Will Is Over. The whole idea that humans have this ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’, and nobody knows what’s happening inside them, and they have free will – that’s over.” Yuval Harari, WEF Klaus Schwab's top advisor