How the paradigm we’re in shapes people’s views and behaviors

Betty Lim
3 min readApr 30, 2019


We all need money to survive.

So, when there’s an abundance of people and a scarcity of money, what does the paradigm have us co-creating? The Age of ‘I win, you lose’ Nonsense, perhaps?

These two videos were developed either before or as I started working on Social Movements powering the future of money. Many grateful thanks to everyone who came forward as strangers to co-create:

Future of Work

Money, (competition) and the psychology of scarcity

I also found a video I created more than 3 years ago to try to explain a new way of thinking, doing and sharing — what I now call ‘True Abundance.’

However, do remember we are still very much stuck in the current paradigm (aka Age of ‘I win, you lose’ Nonsense) as these newer videos attempt to explain:

Self-organized to perpetuate Nonsense?

What transition are you headed for?

This was my first attempt to explain how we are stuck in the incumbent paradigm.

A paradigm shift needs everyone and I invite you to join me to try to catalyse an experiment for a shift out of Nonsense (through Control) to Common Sense (through Empowerment) and True Abundance. Essentially, to go from ‘For me’ to ‘For us’ maximization.

Surviving for ourselves, haven’t all of us become the human resource that turns money into a public utility for a global payment system — governed exclusively by Big Business?

Very broadly, this is what I propose

· Strangers anywhere co-create this pilot

· Strangers co-write a book on how they build trust doing that

· Strangers share the net proceeds generated

Since all the tools in this paradigm are ‘For profit maximizers,’ I am using Business-as-usual tools (e.g. Amazon as it has the widest reach and this is my first time using Amazon to sell) to experiment with how we may share the net proceeds if enough strangers come together to walk their talk on how they empower and build trust with one and all for our shared future. (Once the petition draws 100,000 signatories, I should have worked out guidelines for the experiment as I continue to observe people’s behavior towards our shared future).

Note: On average, Amazon takes about 65% cut from my ebook sale and that doesn’t include the 30% US withholding tax and other taxes I am not aware of yet or the bank charges for any royalty checks (none to date) I may receive.

I will upload the new ebook format to other platforms after my KDP Select term expires on Amazon. I target doing that some time in May 2019.

If strangers can succeed in empowering and building trust with each other around this pilot, I believe we would have successfully crowd-catalysed the shift to True Abundance, Business-NOT-as-usual style (as the incumbent paradigm encourages most initiators to hoard net profits of their ventures).

If this resonates, don’t forget to sign petition and share these links far and wide (some are book excerpts), please:

Self-organized to perpetuate Nonsense?

Surviving for yourself, ‘Business-as-usual’ locks you into a never ending cycle

New century, new tools but what future are you creating?

Is Universal Basic Income the Bridge to Surveillance Capitalism?

to start generating awareness and discussions of why we need a shift out of the Age of ‘I win, you lose’ Nonsense. The first 10 to post a review of my book on Amazon would have done their bit to try to catalyse the shift and if this experiment succeed, I also hope to recognize their efforts, other things being equal. So, don’t forget to read Social movements powering the future of money, please!!

​​Each of us has the perfect gift to give the world​ ​… if we are able to each give what’s so uniquely ours — won’t we be able to create magic for and with each other?

To empower one and all for our shared future of True Abundance, will you step up? Everything is emergent but a new way of thinking, doing and sharing for our shared future depends on you and everyone!!



Betty Lim
Betty Lim

Written by Betty Lim

Exploring how we are self-organized to systemically live a "cradle to grave" business plan

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